Konstmuseum, Visby, 2nd Oct 2010 - 23rd Jan 2011 |
The Art Museum of Gotland, Visby,
Sweden (individual exhibition) |
Art works included in the show. Please
click on image to get more information!
Gringolandia (painting
installation with neon light, 30 x 180 cm, 2010) |
Definitions (series
of oil paintings on canvas, 44 x 55 cm, 2005 - 2010) |
La Panamericana (wall series
of 54 c-prints, 48,5 x 60 cm, 2010) |
Latitud (c-print,
metal, text, 48,5 x 60 cm, 2010) |
Dokument 002 (memorandum
from Berlin - Todesstreife) |
Replika - Die Mauer (wood
& cardboard, 210 x 380 cm, 2008) |
(oil paint, lead, chipboard & metal,
44 x 55 cm, 2008) |
(full scale model of a former Berlin
wall modul of concrete) |
in Motion (text
on plexi glass and sound, thirteen pieces, 42 x 29,7 cm, 2010) |
The poetic words are code names
of american atomic bomb tests approx. between 1945-94 divided in 13 chapters. |
My White
Trash Painting installation (UV-light, fluo white colour,
wood, 250 x 244 x 122 cm, 2006 - 2010) |
Family self portrait with empty
packages, wrappings and trash. |
Minuten Lernprozess /
Ten Minutes Process of Learning (video,
animation & sound, 10 min, 2006) |
Zehn Minuten Studium -
George W. Bush besucht Berlin 2002 und Kopenhagen
Ten Minutes of Study - George W. Bush visits Berlin 2002 & Copenhagen
2005 |
(two parallell video projections,
10 min, 2006) |
Tanzmaschine / Dance
machine (realtime generated computer installation,
video & sound,
2005) |
Many Thanks to the following persons and institutions in
the realization of the Gringolandia exhibition at The Art Museum of Gotland: |
Joakim Allgulander (artist), Eva Bergenwall (artist), Per
Björklund (technician, Riksutställningar), Angelica Blomhage
& the staff at The Art Museum of Gotland, Anders Bräck (director) & Digitala
Bildverkstaden (Malmö), Magnus Denker (photographer),
Juri Markkula (artist), The Arts Grants Committee in Sweden (Stockholm), The
Gotland School of Art (Visby) |
For personal support Thanks to the artists
Fredrik Anderberg & Nils
Ekberg (both Malmö) and writer Christer Hermansson |